The Building Services division of the Community Development Department is responsible for processing all building permit applications and administering the Town’s adopted building codes and regulations. They are also responsible for plan reviews and building inspections. Periodically, Building Services will revise and update the Town’s building codes. The Town requires permits and inspections to ensure safe buildings, coordinated development, effective land use, and high-quality site planning.
Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Building Permit Technician
Phone: 970-449-4639
Building Official
Phone: 970-566-4674
Inspections Number
Phone: 970-674-1036
General Inquiries:
Phone: 970-224-3211
2018 IECC | 2021 IPC | 2023 NEC |
The Town of Timnath adopted the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code. The Town will grant a grace period for compliance and will be fully enforced on January 1, 2024. | The State of Colorado Plumbing Board has adopted the 2021 International Plumbing Code requiring the Town of Timnath to adopt and enforce compliance. | The State of Colorado Electrical Board will adopt the 2023 National Electrical Code on August 1, 2023. The Town of Timnath will start full enforcement of the 2023 NEC on January 1, 2024. |
At a regularly scheduled meeting on July 12th, 2022, the Town Council approved an amendment to the 2021 International Fire Code as part of the International Code Council updates made every three years. The Poudre Fire Authority Board of Directors reviewed and approved the code package. The amendments are developed in conjunction with the local Fire Code Review Committee. MORE
The Fort Collins-Loveland Water District and South Fort Collins Sanitation District will be reviewing building plans for Commercial projects and any Residential submittal that has a separate/ non-integrated fire sprinkler system as part of the overall plan review process. MORE
Are you the owner of a single-family home and looking to apply for a residential permit without a contractor? Click below.
Are you a builder or professional contractor working in Timnath? Start here.
We get it! Building projects, permits, using contractors – it can all get a little complicated. Here’s a list of frequently asked questions to help you get started.