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Code Enforcement and Animal Control

Code Enforcement Services

The Town of Timnath has a series of adopted codes and ordinances that are in place to enhance the quality of life for the Town’s residents. These codes are in place and enforced to help maintain healthy neighborhoods that are free of unsightly or hazardous conditions.

To achieve compliance, the Town utilizes Code Enforcement Officers who seek to work with property owners for voluntary compliance of code violations.

By working together as a community, we can ensure that every Timnath neighborhood is a source of pride for residents and business owners.

You can help! Take time to get familiar with the various code violations, understand the consequences, and know-how to submit a complaint.

Contact Info and Hours

Department Head: Scott Robinson, Community Development Director

Hours: 8am to 5pm, Monday – Friday

Submit a complaint: Please complete the appropriate Complaint Form below

For general inquiries or non-complaint items:
970-224-3211 (ext. 1305) or

Report a Violation

Report a Code Violation

Please fill out this form to report a code violation within Timnath Town limits.Don’t use this form for animal control complaints or complaints against properties not within Town limits.

Code Violations within Larimer County

Please use this form for code complaints within Larimer County but not within the Town of Timnath Municipal limits. Do not use this form to report an animal control complaint.

Animal Control Complaint

Animal Protection and Control is provided by the NOCO Humane. To make a complaint, please call dispatch at 970.226.3647, ext. 7. Click below for services and hours of operation.

Frequent Code Violations

Weeds and Brush

Summary: Every person owning, occupying, or possessing any lot, tract, or parcel of land is responsible for cutting to the ground all weeds and brush when said weeds and brush grow to a height of more than eight inches.

Enforcement: The Town will give written notice to the property owner letting them know about the requirement to cut weeds or brush or to remove rubbish. That owner has two days to comply. If they don’t, the property owner can be fined and the Town Manager may order the cutting and/or removal of weeds, brush, and rubbish.

Fine Schedule:

  • 1st Offense – $100.00
  • 2nd Offense – $300.00
  • 3rd Offense – $1,000.00
  • Future Offenses – Summons

Read this section of the Town Code: Article 4 – Weeds and Brush

Removal of Snow/ice, Dirt and Debris

Summary: All property owners or tenants of any lot, block, or parcel of land must clear snow, sleet, ice, dirt, debris, or any other obstruction on sidewalks adjoining their land within 24 hours from accumulation. Snow and ice cannot be deposited against fire hydrants, traffic signals, neighboring sidewalks, streets, bus stops, or emergency access lanes.

Fine Schedule:

  • 1st Offense – $100.00
  • 2nd Offense – $300.00
  • 3rd Offense – $1,000.00
  • Future Offenses – Summons

Read this section of the Town Code: Sec. 11-1-10. Removal of snow/ice, dirt, and debris

Parking for Recreational Vehicles (RVs), Boats, Trailers, and Heavy Vehicles

Summary: Vehicles weighing more than 10,000 pounds, other than emergency vehicles, shall not be parked on any road or right-of-way. Excess weight vehicles, boats, boat trailers, tractors, trailers, semi-trailers, motor homes, buses, or detached or dismounted campers cannot be parked or kept on private property for longer than 72 hours. If these vehicles are stored for longer than 72 hours, they must be kept in the rear yard screened from view or within an enclosed building. No mobile home may be located permanently or temporarily in any residential area unless that area is zoned for mobile homes.

Fine Schedule:

  • 1st Offense – $100.00
  • 2nd Offense – $300.00
  • 3rd Offense – $1,000.00
  • Future Offenses – Summons

Read this section of the Town Code: Sec. 8-2-60. Parking restrictions for excess weight vehicles and recreational vehicles

Animal Disturbances

Summary: No owner, keeper, or person in charge of an animal shall fail to prevent it from disturbing the peace and quiet of any other person by loud and persistent barking, baying, howling, yipping, crying, yelping, whining, or making any other noise in an excessive, continuous or untimely fashion, whether the animal is on or off the owner’s premises.

Enforcement: A police officer or an Animal Control Officer may issue a warning after receiving a complaint of a disturbance. The warning will outline possible penalties for a violation and advise the owner that the next complaint may result in a summons.

Fine Schedule:

  • 1st Offense – $50.00
  • 2nd Offense – $150.00
  • 3rd Offense – $300.00
  • Future Offenses – Summons

Read this section of the Town Code: Sec. 7-9-310. Animal disturbance of peace and quiet prohibited

Noise (Excessive Noise)

Summary: It is unlawful for any person to intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly make unreasonable noise that is so loud that it disrupts another individual in a public place or in the individual’s private residence. It is also unlawful to operate any type of vehicle, machine or device, carry on any activity which makes sound in excess of the maximum decibels permitted. Sound from construction work needs to be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. for work of any type and until 9:00 p.m. for light construction. On Saturdays and Sundays, sound from construction work shall not commence until 8:00 a.m.

Fine Schedule:

  • 1st Offense – $100.00
  • 2nd Offense – $300.00
  • 3rd Offense – $1,000.00
  • Future Offenses – Summons

Read this section of the Town Code: ARTICLE 9 – Noise


Summary: Any accumulation of refuse or other material on any premises, improved or unimproved, in the Town is prohibited and declared to be a nuisance.

Fine Schedule:

  • 1st Offense – $100.00
  • 2nd Offense – $300.00
  • 3rd Offense – $1,000.00
  • Future Offenses – Summons

Read this section of the Town Code: ARTICLE 3 – Garbage and Refuse


Summary: Any damaged merchandise, litter, trash, rubbish, garbage, wrecked car, inoperable car or other wrecked vehicle, or an accumulation of junk vehicles or junk of any type, shall constitute a nuisance and shall be a violation od Town Code.

Fine Schedule:

  • 1st Offense – $100.00
  • 2nd Offense – $300.00
  • 3rd Offense – $1,000.00
  • Future Offenses – Summons

Read this section of the Town Code: ARTICLE 2 – Nuisances