News Contact Development

Residents Role in Development Review

Understanding the development process in Timnath

Development and construction within the Town of Timnath involve a number of agencies, jurisdictions, and utilities. The Town Council and Planning Commission approval, regulations, and required permits necessary to begin construction may vary depending on the zoning of your property. Town staff administer the regulations and adopted plans put forth by the Town Council that guide where and how new development occurs in Timnath. Our goal is to balance the health, safety, and general welfare of the community with a property owner’s desire to maximize the land use.

If a property is outside of the Town limits, but a part of the Timnath Growth Management Area, the property owner needs to apply for annexation into Town boundaries. The annexation process brings with it a Zoning designation. Zoning defines what type of development is allowed to occur on the property. See below for more details on each type of development and process the Town of Timnath reviews.

A Concept Review Application may be required prior to each process. Separate documents or processes may be required and can be located on the Timnath Planning page.

Development Review Overview

Annexation and Zoning

Annexation and zoning maps showing boundaries of each along with a petition and impact report

Public Involvement OpportunitiesPlanning Commission and Town Council Meetings
Approved byPlanning Commission and Town Council
Important LinksAnnexation Application
Annexation Petition

Aligns with the Comprehensive Plan

Comprehesive Plan Amendment

Comprehensive plan map showing existing land uses and proposed land uses including justification

Public Involvement OpportunitiesPlanning Commission and Town Council Meetings
Approved byPlanning Commission and Town Council
Important LinksComp Plan Amendment Application

Aligns with the Comprehensive Plan Goals & Objectives


Zoning map showing boundaries of the revised zoning district including justification

Public Involvement OpportunitiesNeighborhood, Planning Commission, and Town Council Meetings
Approved byPlanning Commission and Town Council
Important LinksRezoning Application
PD Overlay Application

Aligns with the Comprehensive Plan

Major Subdivision


Zoning map showing boundaries of the revised zoning district including justification

Public Involvement OpportunitiesNeighborhood, Planning Commission, and Town Council Meetings
Approved byPlanning Commission and Town Council
Important LinksSketch Plan Application

Aligns with the Comprehensive Plan


Detailed drawings showing lots, landscape, utilities, grading, circulation, and traffic impacts

Public Involvement OpportunitiesNeighborhood, Planning Commission, and Town Council Meetings
Approved byPlanning Commission and Town Council
Important LinksPreliminary Plat Application

Conforms to the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning, and Sketch Plan


Detailed construction drawings showing lots, landscape, utilities, grading, circulation, and traffic impacts

Public Involvement OpportunitiesPlanning Commission and Town Council Meetings
Approved byPlanning Commission and Town Council
Important LinksFinal Plat Application

Conforms to the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning, Sketch Plan, and Preliminary Plat

Minor Subdivision

Detailed construction drawings showing lots, landscape, utilities, grading, circulation, and traffic impacts for six lots or less

Public Involvement OpportunitiesNeighborhood (only required for residential developments), Planning Commission, and Town Council Meetings
Approved byPlanning Commission and Town Council
Important LinksMinor Subdivision Application

Conforms to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning or Sketch Plan and Preliminary Plat

Development Site Plan

Detailed construction drawings showing site-specific improvements in compliance with the Land Use Code

Public Involvement OpportunitiesNeighborhood Meeting for Sites with Multi-Family or two or more buildings
Approved byPlanning Commission and Town Council for sites with multi-family or two or more buildings
Important LinksSite Plan Application

Building Permit

Detailed plot plan or building plans demonstrating constructability of the structure

Public Involvement OpportunitiesNone
Approved byTown Staff:
Planning, Engineering, and Building Official
Important LinksBuilding Permit Application

News and Updates

Code updates, new forms and fees, and other important updates

The Fort Collins-Loveland Water District and South Fort Collins Sanitation District will be reviewing building plans for Commercial projects and any Residential submittal that has a separate/ non-integrated fire sprinkler system as part of the overall plan review process. MORE


Are you the owner of a single-family home and looking to apply for a residential permit without a contractor? Click below.

Builders/ Contractors

Are you a builder or professional contractor working in Timnath? Start here.


We get it! Building projects, permits, using contractors – it can all get a little complicated. Here’s a list of frequently asked questions to help you get started.