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Planning Department FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Browse the questions below for answers to some of the most commonly asked questions.

What is the population of Timnath

As of January 2022, the estimated population is 8,000.

What is a Comprehensive Plan and why does it matter?

A Comprehensive Plan is an essential guide for long-term planning of development used in communities throughout the United States, it establishes a vision for future land uses of a jurisdiction. This video contains information regarding Comprehensive Plans and why they are important and how they are used to guide development according to a communities vision.

What is a Growth Management Area (GMA)

Growth Management Area is determined with the County and surrounding jurisdictions to set forth potential growth boundaries. Property owners who decide to develop unincorporated land must annex to the Town of Timnath to be held to Timnath Development Standards as outlined in our Land Use Code.

What are the Town of Timnath municipal boundaries?

View the Town’s 2020 Interactive Zoning Map.

What is planned for the area around my property?

To view general land use designations for future development within the Town’s Growth Management Area (GMA), visit the Town of Timnath Comprehensive Plan Map.

Active projects within Timnath’s boundaries can be viewed on Town’s Interactive Development Under Review Map. To sign up for Development emails, click here.

What current development projects are being reviewed by the Town of Timnath?

Active projects within Timnath’s boundaries can be viewed on Town’s Interactive Development Under Review Map. To sign up for Development emails, click here.

What’s the zoning of my property?

In addition to contacting the Planning Department with your address and/or parcel number, you can view the Timnath 2020 Interactive Zoning map for general zoning designations.

What is the Land Use Code?

The purpose of the Land Use Code is to create a vital, cohesive, well-designed community in order to enhance the Town’s character and further the citizens’ goals as identified in the Town of Timnath Comprehensive Plan.

By Ordinance, the Land Use Code establishes the regulations and standards governing the use and development of land within the Town of Timnath. Included are provisions for the annexation, subdivision and zoning of land, as well as the administrative procedures governing the submission of applications, administrative and public reviews, and appeals. Also included are Town of Timnath standards for site design, landscaping, parking and public infrastructure.

The current version of the Land Use Code can be accessed from the Planning Services page, under the Important Documents section.

What does my zoning allow?

Zoning establishes allowable land uses and design parameters such as minimum lot size, minimum building setbacks, maximum building coverage, and maximum building height and the number of units allowed.

To learn more about Zoning Districts and Regulations view the following Sections and Table from our Land Use Code:

  • Section 3.5 Zoning Districts
  • Table 4.1 Standard District Table of Permitted Uses
  • Table 5.1 Dimensional Standards

Are your application forms available online?

Can I subdivide my property? What is the subdivision process?

Subdivision of property in Town of Timnath requires approval of a subdivision application. You will need to contact a planner in order to determine the appropriate subdivision process.

What is a variance?

A variance, which requires approval by the Board of Adjustment (Town Council), constitutes a change in the zoning provisions of the Land Use Code where, due to special conditions or circumstances, the literal enforcement of a zoning requirement would result in an unnecessary hardship. An unnecessary hardship is defined as a situation where the property cannot be reasonably used under the conditions allowed by the code. The situation will occur from circumstances unique to the property and will not be created by the property owner. Economic considerations alone do not constitute an unnecessary hardship. Variance, if granted, shall not alter the character of the surrounding neighborhood. Please review Section 2.9.13 of the Land Use Code or contact the Planning Department for more information.

Can I have a home occupation/business? What are the requirements?

All businesses in Timnath require an approved business license through the Town’s Finance Department, per Section D of the Municipal Code. Those proposing a home-based business need to complete the Home Occupation Registration section of the business license application. Home occupations shall meet all requirements of Section D of the Timnath Land Use Code.

Do I need a building permit to work on my own home or if I am finishing my own basement?

Yes, please see the Building Department page for more information.

What is a Conditional Use Permit?

A conditional use permit allows for a temporary use or specific land use once special review criteria is met. The permit does not allow for uses in zoning districts where the use is prohibited. Please see Conditional Use Review criteria in Section 2.9.8 of the Land Use Code.

Do I need a permit to build a fence around my house?

Yes, please see the Building Department page for more information.

Do I need a permit to build a deck, porch, pergola, or patio cover?

Permits are required in some cases, please see the Building Department page for more information.

Do I need a permit to install a sprinkler system?

Permits are required in some cases, please see the Building Department page for more information.

Are there any regulations for temporary signs in Timnath?

Yes. Most temporary signs require a permit and fee, which you can obtain from Planning Department Forms and Applications. Please contact the Planning Department for more information.

Are there prohibited construction hours?

Construction is allowed between 7 AM – 7 PM on weekdays, Saturday construction is allowed with Town approval. Sunday and Holiday construction is prohibited. For nuisances, please visit the Code Enforcement Page.

Who reviews plans and issues building permits?

The Planning and Community Development Department, which includes Engineers and Building Officials, review plans for adherence to the Timnath Land Use Code & zoning requirements as well as Engineering and Building standards. The Town works closely with Safebuilt to review building engineering plans and to conduct inspections throughout the entire construction process.