News Contact Development

NTMP Tier 1 Application

Tier 1 Application

Thank you for your interest in participating in the Town of Timnath Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program (NTCP). Tier 1 Engineering Visual Elements include items such as signing, striping, or temporary driver speed feedback signs. To begin the process, please fill out and submit this application form. Staff will complete a review and identify appropriate next steps.

"*" indicates required fields

Please describe the location of the concern. This may include your neighborhood name, street names, and cross streets (such as Street X from Street Y to Street Z), and intersections.
Please describe the nature of the concern. This may include speeding, cut through traffic, difficulty crossing the street, drivers not yielding to pedestrians, drivers not obeying traffic control devices, etc. If relevant, please share what time of day or days of the week the concerns exist.
Please describe your efforts to date with education and outreach.
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