A PDF version of this form can be found here: Oil and Gas Conditional Use Tech Form
Due within 72 hours of submittal by check or after the acceptance of the submittal online at https://www.colorado.gov/payment/townoftimnath
*Plus applicable Scope Fees, Refer to PFA Fee Schedule. Due within 72 hours of submittal by check or after the acceptance of the submittal online at https://www.colorado.gov/payment/townoftimnath
Include copies of any required OGCC Form 2 and designation of agent, if applicable.
List of all permits/approvals obtained or yet to be obtained from local, state or federal agencies.
Must be mutually acceptable to the operator and the appropriate fire district that includes a list of local telephone numbers of public and private entities and individuals to be notified in the event of an emergency, location of the well, and provisions for access by emergency response entities.
Must be mutually acceptable to the operator and the appropriate fire district that includes planned actions for possible emergency events and any other pertinent information.
Must comply with Section 602(g) of the OGCC regulations.