Availability is determined on a first-come-first-served basis. To see if a date is available, please visit our RecDesk facility calendar or email Brayson Pope at [email protected] prior to submitting the form. Please note that currently, the community room is not available for bookings on Sundays before 1 p.m. or on Tuesday evenings. Once you have verified the date is open, to begin the reservation process, please complete and submit the form below. The reservation times you request should allow for both set-up and tear-down/clean-up time. Please note that someone from your party must be onsite for the entire time of your after-hours reservation – you may not leave the room unattended after normal business hours. Once your reservation is approved, you will be contacted with a confirmation email containing instructions for payment (as required based on use).
The Town strives to provide full and equal access to information and services to all individuals. For a physical copy of this form, please contact the Timnath ADA Coordinator: Susan Bieber, 970-224-3211, extension 1404, [email protected].