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Planning Commission

Planning Commission

The Planning and Zoning Commission’s responsibilities include making recommendations to the Town Council regarding zoning, annexations, major public and private projects, and any long-range planning activities that require Council approval.

The Commission is also the final decision-making authority regarding land use proposals, including overall development plans and project development plans, that don’t require Council approval.

Planning Commission meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month if a development application has been scheduled.

Photograph of Phil Goldstein showing his face, head, and shoulders with the background from inside the lobby of Timnath Town Hall.

Phil Goldstein


Photograph of Marty Jost showing his face, head, and shoulders with the background from inside the lobby of Timnath Town Hall.

Marty Jost

Vice Chair

Photograph of Tom Wood showing his face, head, and shoulders with the background from inside the lobby of Timnath Town Hall.

Tom Wood


Photograph of Mike Lewis showing his face, head, and shoulders with the background from inside the lobby of Timnath Town Hall.

Mike Lewis


Photograph of Wendy Newlon showing her face, head, and shoulders with the background from inside the lobby of Timnath Town Hall.

Wendy Newlon


Photograph of Renzo Bianchi showing his face, head, and shoulders with the background from inside the lobby of Timnath Town Hall.

Renzo Bianchi


Photograph of Michael Lowry showing his face, head, and shoulders with the background from inside the lobby of Timnath Town Hall.

Michael Lowry


Planning Commission Agendas