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Concept Review Application

Concept Review Application

The Town of Timnath reserves the right to reject incomplete submittals, per the Code requirements. Please submit completed application and required materials for staff review prior to a meeting with the Community Development Department.

Name of Property Owner
Contact Information of Property Owner
Name of Applicant
Contact Information of Applicant

Property Description

Is there an existing Public Development (PD) Overlay on this property?
Is this property part of the Harmony Corridor? (Refer to section 5.10 of the Land-Use Code to ensure the project conforms to Harmony Corridor Standards prior to submitting an application.)
Concept Review Checklist
• Narrative description of proposed concept. For site plans, include proposed number of employees, type of business, number of units, etc. Narrative shall also include a description of all structures to be built on the site including: size quantity, use and number of units per structure. For residential include proposed number of lots, lot sizes, density (single, multifamily etc.) Include any modifications to the Land Use Code if applicable
• Concept drawing, including all information required below
• Concept drawings shall be legible and accurately drawn to an appropriate scale • Indication of drawing scale and symbol designating true north
• Property address, legal description (township, range, lot, block, subdivision) or location depicted on a vicinity map
• Names, addresses and phone numbers of the applicant and firms or person responsible for preparing the drawing
• Building height(s) (if applicable)
• Indication of proposed landscape areas depicted by cross-hatching of areas & include percentage of planned open space (actual plant material and details not required for concept review)
• Distances from proposed and existing structures to all property lines (for site plans)